DPI REVERSE INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION EXCHANGE, Peace Dividends: Role of Business in Conflict Resolution, 13 June 2024, Ankara, hosted by the Finnish Embassy

On June 13, the Democratic Progress Institute (DPI) held a reverse ICRE titled Peace Dividends: Role of Business in Conflict Resolution in Ankara. Hosted by the Finnish Embassy in Ankara, the event aimed to address the interconnected relationship between conflict, peace, and the economy. 

The event started with opening remarks from HE Ambassador Pirkko Hämäläinen, where she emphasised the importance of dialogue in peacebuilding processes. She also stated that peace mediation is preventive diplomacy and Finland has always been a leading country for peace mediation concerning any conflict around the world.

Following the opening remarks, our first speaker, writer and columnist Ali Bayramoglu, gave an overview of the current political environment in Turkey and the implications of the economic situation on politics. 

Our second speaker, Fionna Fáil Senator, Party Spokesperson, and a Member of the Industrial and Commercial Panel, Gerry Horkan, discussed the Northern Irish peace process and the role that business played in peacebuilding. He also detailed the economic benefits of the peace process which celebrated its 25th anniversary last year. Horkan underlined the importance of continuous dialogue.

After the lunch break, Head of Diyarbakir Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mehmet Kaya spoke about the implications of the conflict on business and the experience of peace in Turkey from an economic perspective. In his speech, he gave concrete and compelling examples using statistics from the region during the peace process and made suggestions for improving chances for peace through business.

The event was concluded by a discussion session where participants were invited to discuss the role of the business community in Turkey as actors of peace. This event was part of DPI’s larger series titled Mapping Dividends of Peace in Turkey and the Region.