DPI held an online roundtable entitled ‘Opposition’s Perspective on the political, social and economic effects of COVID-19 in Turkey’ on 11 June. This was the third online RT of a series of meetings with representatives from different political parties in Turkey. The meeting welcomed Temel Karamollaoğlu, Leader of Saadet (Felicity) Party, who discussed the key policies and perspectives of the opposition party in the current situation in Turkey. The meeting brought together a diverse group of participants from Turkey, including academics, civil society actors, journalists, lawyers, politicians, members of Wise Persons Committee (WPC), as well as DPI’s Council of Expert members, and our funders. The meeting provided an insightful discussion on the role of the opposition and highlighted the need for a platform for democratic dialogue in Turkey today. The RT forms part of a larger series of activities planned in the context of the project: “Supporting inclusive dialogue at a challenging time in Turkey”, supported by the EU and the Norwegian government.