Annual Report 2023

DPI’s Annual Report 2023 showcases DPI’s achievements throughout 2023. In 2023, DPI continued to push for inclusivity in the peacebuilding sphere and focused on Gender, Peace and Security as well as promoting the Access to Justice for all by including civilian groups and Youth groups in their conflict mediation activities by hosting the following listed events:

Peace Tables

In 2023, DPI hosted Peace Tables which included a Women in Peacebuilding event, bringing together a diverse group of women to discuss their broad spectrum of political affiliations in Turkey. A ‘Türkiye’s Search for a New Constitution’ event, which focused on the current political situation in Turkey towards the elections, and possibilities for conflict resolution. These were both held in Ankara. We also held two online Peace Tables, one of which discussed ‘Political Dynamics in Türkiye Towards the Election and Opportunities for Peace’ and the other concentrated on the future of Turkey ‘Where is Türkiye heading?’, which highlighted both the opportunities and obstacles towards peace.

International Conflict Exchanges

In our London office, DPI hosted international conflict resolution exchanges, including a post-election discussion on opportunities and obstacles for peace along with insight into the experience of Northern Ireland. In addition, we hosted an exchange on the role business plays regarding peacekeeping.

Interactive Seminars

DPI hosted Interactive seminars in Turkey throughout 2023. This included an interactive seminar on the youth’s perspective on conflict resolution, following the Turkey election results. In Ankara, we held an interactive seminar on an inclusive constitution-making process, discussing how civil society plays a meaningful role in constitution-making. In Istanbul, we organised a seminar on arts and culture’s role in conflict resolution, as well as, a seminar on ‘Communication in peace’, which addressed the role the media plays in conflict resolution.

Assessment and Analysis

In 2023, DPI hosted a total of six assessment and analysis meetings. Through an online forum, we organised a meeting on the current political climate in Turkey, ‘Political Dynamics in Turkey Ahead of the 2023 General Elections’ with Ali Bayramoğlu, an academic and political commentator. A meeting on the social, political, and economic impact of the February 6 Earthquakes that occurred in Turkey. In addition, a meeting on how to build on common interests regarding the present situation in Turkey and possibilities for conflict resolution. In the Hague, Netherlands, we carried out an assessment and analysis meeting on ‘Turkey’s Foreign Policy Ahead of the 2023 Elections’, which addressed the implications for the Kurdish issue and the region. In Istanbul, we led a meeting on the impact of the elections on conflict resolution in Turkey. Lastly, in London, we hosted a meeting to analyse the recent developments in Turkey through a conflict resolution perspective.